Monday, 20 May 2013

Minister Crockwell Owes the Bermudian Public and Taxpayer an Explanation!


On Friday, Minister Shawn Crockwell rose to his feet in Parliament to adamantly declare that the charter ferry "Millennium" is already on the island, and should be deployed next week. An article in the Royal Gazette went on to report the Minister as saying: "The Millennium" has come in, and needs a period of time to get things ready, and will be in service next week".

However, over the weekend I have been unable, to find independent confirmation of the Minister's claim. In fact, to the contrary, I have heard from members of the public who are emphatic that the charter boat is yet to arrive in Bermuda.

Given the growing number of Bermudians who both question the current whereabouts of the "Millennium", and the wisdom of the $1.3 million expenditure (or more) of tax payer dollars for the services of a charter boat which was not used, or required, to move the large concentration of passengers from the Breakaway; both the Government and the Minister: "Owe the Bermudian public and taxpayer an explanation!"

Unless the Minister is able to confirm that the charter ferry was in Bermuda waters when he rose to speak in Parliament his credibility and that of the Government will be seriously questioned. In addition I repeated the point I made in the House of Assembly: " it can be seen that over the past five months the ministers management style has resulted in a hefty price tag that is in the millions ... and appears to become more costly with each decision he makes ."

If it proves that the Minister is willing to mislead the house and public over a relatively small issue, what will he do when it comes to the big issues?

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