Sunday, 18 March 2012

Warwick Neighborhood Watch & Crimestoppers

Good day constituents,
I recently had the pleasure of attending and participating in well-attended meeting regarding the Warwick Neighborhood Watch scheme, hosted by the Bermuda Police Service. Members of the Bermuda Crimestoppers also attended this meeting to give all in attendance a summary of what they do and what they are about.

I will now present some key points from the meeting for the convenience of my constituents. I learned that:

- Neighborhood Watches are about residents and stakeholders working together to create safe, attractive and friendly neighborhoods; places where crime is less likely to occur and people are less likely to turn to antisocial behavior. It’s all about looking out for your neighbors and them looking out for you. It’s about making sure that no one feels alone, scared or vulnerable in the area which they live.

- Advantages to Neighborhood Watches:
  •  Police responses to calls have been proven to be quicker for those neighborhoods in which there is a neighborhood watch. 
  •  Neighborhood watches are responsible for reducing crime and fear in communities across the island
  •  They are a positive tool for organizing communities to deal with issues that may be too difficult for the individual. 
  •  They give members of the community opportunity to point out problems, raise concerns and propose solutions. 
  • They present an opportunity for residents to interact with the police in a less adversarial manner, whilst fostering an environment for dialogue geared towards achieving community goals. 
  •  They can create a healthy environment for the dissemination of information, whilst dispelling the need for unnecessary rumor mongering amongst residents. 
  •  They can create the base and framework for sponsored cleanup programs to rid the community of eye sores - i.e. poorly maintained areas within the neighborhood, abandoned, vehicles, trash, graffiti etc.  

In a nutshell, the main goal they presented was to reassure the public that every telephone call to the Crime Stoppers Bermuda totally confidential 24-Hour Hotline is treated in the strictest of confidence. To ensure the confidentiality of all calls to their 1-800-8477 (TIPS) or 1-800-623-8477 (TIPS) numbers, the calls are answered overseas by the Miami-Dade County Crime Stoppers in Miami, Florida, USA.  Information is then transferred back to Crime Stoppers Bermuda electronically and relayed by the coordinator to the relevant law enforcement agencies. In many instances, the law enforcement agencies are unaware that they are working on a Crime Stoppers Bermuda tip, which further protects the integrity of the information and anonymity of the caller.

A few other statistics that they shared were:
1)    Crimestoppers has received approx. 3000+ tips from local residents
2)    These tips have resulted in $52,000 + in rewards being paid out to Bermudians for their tips that have led to arrest and/or convictions
3)    Over $1,000,000 in assets returned to their owners
4)    300 + arrests made as a result of tips received
5)    0 people found out to be “tipsters”
6)    0 people asked to testify as a result of the tip

The question was asked by an audience member: 
“If this is 100% anonymous how are cash rewards given”?

Answer: “When you call 800 –TIPS you are given a tip number and the tipster is responsible for calling back and asking for a status update on their tip using their tip number as a reference. If a payment is attached to the tip number it is then up to the “Tipster” to make known how and when they want to receive their reward.  

They were also kind enough to share a few pointers:

1. Always lock and secure all windows and doors.
2. Ask post office to hold your mail while you are on holiday.
3. Protect yourself with bright perimeter and indoor lighting.
4. Contact a trusted neighbor/ relative to let them know you’re going away and leave them the key. Tell them when you are going and when you will return.
5. Setting a timer system on lights and radios is an inexpensive and effective way to give your home a ‘lived in’ or ‘occupied’ look when you’re not there.
6. An alarm system is a deterrent to thieves. Make sure it is professionally installed with visible signage on your property.
7. Mark, photograph and ID your property. Record all serial numbers on electronics and other identifiable property.
8.  When bringing new merchandise into your home do not discard the box outside your residence. 
      ie.a large TV box. Thieves are opportunistic.
9.  Minimalize items around your house that will assist in unlawful entry to your home.
10. Bolt and secure Air Conditioners to window. Consider metal caging around it.
11. Plant protective shrubbery possibly bushes with thorns near lower level windows.
12. Cut back overgrown bushes - they provide hiding places for thieves
13. Limit the view of the interior of your home that people have from the exterior. Close curtains and drapes. 
14. Have situation awareness and know your surroundings.
15. If in an emergency Call 911