You may know the name Scott when it comes to politics. But now I want you to know the name Lawrence Scott, William Lawrence Scott. Some of you out there may not know me; let me assure you that I know this constituency. I can say that with such conviction, because I have been helping my father (Alex Scott) for the last 16 years and feel as though I have the ability to pick up where he left off and breathe new life into this constituency. You might say that I represent a younger perspective and bring with me youthful energy and commitment to Constituency 24. This means for those of you who desire more active representation can have your hope renewed.
The other day I asked a resident of Constituency 24 “ If I was limited to only being able to do one thing for you, for this Constituency what would you want it to be” their answer was “ Restore hope their in the government”.
That really touched me.
It touched me because I believe the restoration and maintenance of hope and faith in a Member of Parliament (MP) should not be a fantasy, it should be a reality! I would go so far as to say a priority for an MP, not just in this constituency but throughout the country! We are as a country small enough to be regarded as a large family, representing that family as an MP is my primary goal! I am committed to renewing the trust the voter in 1998 had in the newly elected Progressive Labour Party (PLP).
With my firm belief in the importance of transparency, when I say I wish to stand as an MP and represent this Constituency in Parliament. Constituency 24 was not my first choice, nor was it my second choice, it was my ONLY choice! Let me make it abundantly clear, I AM NOT RUNNING AGAINST ANYONE ELSE, I AM RUNNING FOR CONSTITUENCY 24!
The good book says “Without vision the people perish” (Proverbs Chapter 29 verse 18). As a result of my familiarity with this Constituency and its current issues I already have a vision as to helping to how we can formulate relative solutions.
Almost everyone in Constituency 24 was pleased that the current MP (my father) worked closely with the owners to save Southlands as an open space. I as a potential future MP would like to ensure that Southlands becomes a National Park for the residence of Constituency 24 and the entire Bermudian family to in the future.
In closing, I would like to share a personal opinion of mine. As I go around the Constituency visiting the residence. I have heard both praises and critiques in regards to the PLP and the way in which the government is running the country. While it’s always good, and appreciated to receive compliments, I tend to focus on and am always interested in hearing the critiques. Even though complements ensure and confirm my view that the government is providing the country with good governance, it’s the contents within your critiques which allows for us to see where and what we as a government can, will and need to work on to become better. However, we can only become better if we stick together, and we will only be able to stick together as long as we remain united. The saying is as true now as it was in 1963 (the founding year of the Progressive Labour Party) “United we stand, Divided we fall”!
Masakhane! (Let Us Build One Another Together!)